Thank You Letter from the State of Connecticut Department of Correction

State of Connecticut
Department of Correction
John R. Manson
New Haven, Conn
Mr. Pat Healy
253 State Street
New London, Connecticut
October 25, 1974
Dear Mr. Healy,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation in providing personal assistance to those clients I have referred to your agency.
The efforts of your staff at NARCONON have been encouraging in facilitating the special needs of my referrals.
I hope you will enjoy continued success in your work as your sincere and conscientious efforts are well deserving of it.
Sincerely yours,
Richard A. Kociszewski
Parole Officer
John A. Morytko
Supervisor of Parole
See more history
- British Columbia Corrections Officer recommends Narconon
- California Probation Officer Impressed with Narconon
- 1975 — California Senator recommends Narconon
- Canada judge urges support of Narconon
- Article in Delaware State News: Confront to Control
- Delaware Considers Narconon an integral part of the beureau of adult corrections
- Councilman of Palo Alto California Supports Narconon
- Delaware Commissioner Impressed with Narconon
- 1975 — Delaware corrections officer says gains by Narconon far outweigh the cost.