Commissioner of Dept of Corrections Delaware Impressed With Effectiveness of Narconon

October 23, 1975
An evaluation of the Narconon program at D. C. C. has just come to my attention and I was greatly concerned to see in it the criticism that there has been a lack of communication between the D.D.A.C. (Department of Drug and Alcohol Control) and our program, but particularly that the Bureau of Adult Correction is indifferent to Narconon.
The charge of indifference disturbs me greatly for I want to assure you that I have been impressed with the effectiveness of Narconon and eager for it to continue to be a vital part of our program. I am not aware that the administrative staff at the prison feels differently.
I think what appears as indifference is instead an immense preoccupation with overloaded duties. Staff members who cannot possibly keep up with all the burdens upon them will not seem to be attentive to a program which is conducting itself well. There are too many squeaking wheels elsewhere that demand their attention.
Your comments suggest that we should take a closer look at our own relationships with Narconon, and this we will do. But I do assure you that I am appreciative of the program and would be distressed if there were any danger of its cessation.
Sincerely yours,
Paul W. Keve
Acting Commissioner
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