Councilman of the City of Palo Alto California Supports Narconon

April 16, 1975
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my understanding that Narconon is being evaluated in Sweden; therefore I am writing this letter of reference.
The City of Palo Alto decided in 1972 that the drug problem in the city was of such magnitude that it (the city) would fund a drug abuse program. Since 1972 the city has expended in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) in support of its program.
As a City Council Member I began to observe other programs for the purpose of comparison. After observing Narconon Palo Alto and assessing its impact on the solution of the drug problem in our city, I requested that our City Council give consideration to funding the Narconon program. This request is now being deliberated by our Council and it is anticipated that financial support will be granted beginning July 1, 1975.
The above comments should be taken as indication of support and respect for the program.
Roy L. Clay
City Councilman