Acknowledgement Letter from the County of Santa Clara California Health Department

Health Department
County of Santa Clara
February 24, 1975
Mr. Nate Jessup
532 Emerson Street
Palo Alto, CA. 94301
Dear Nate:
Just a note to thank you for your efforts in conducting the Narconon training course for the staff and members of the Mountain View Methadone Clinic. I think we have all learned much from this experience, both from a personal as well as professional point of view.
Since both our programs share a common goal, I believe our continued cooperation will greatly improve our understanding of the drug abuse problem and allow us to provide better treatment services to our clients.
I am very glad to have met you and I am looking forward to working with you in the future.
Very truly yours,
Richard Gambatese
Mountain View Methadone Clinic
101 Stierlin Road
Mountain View, CA. 94040
See more history
- CSUN — Drug Counselor Training Class
- Article: Drug Program Tries to Eliminate Need
- CSUN — Drug Rehab Forum
- Vancouver BC Member of Parlaiment recommends Narconon
- Los Angeles City Councilman recommends the Narconon program
- Article in Jefferson County Journal: Narconon
- Narconon Program working for Alouette River Correctional Unit, Canada
- Jefferson County Journal
- Vancouver city police endorse drug addict rehabilitation group’s program