Los Angeles City Councilman Recommends Narconon Program

Description: City of Los Angeles City Councilman Cunningham writes letter of recommendation of the Narconon Program for effective drug rehabilitation as it is one of the few programs which has enabled drug/alcohol abusers to evolve a rational, humanistic approach to social and personal tensions. (More on the Narconon history in 1975)
City Council of the City of Los Angeles City Hall 90012
October 22, 1975
Mr. Claude Martinez
Los Angeles County
1100 North Mission Road
Los Angeles, CA
Dear Mr. Martinez:
The abuse of drugs and/or alcohol reflects an individual’s decision on how he/she will cope or not cope with the world. Although in many cases the choice is pre-determined by one’s social and economic environment, people from many different social classes and racial groups make the choice.
As a councilman I am confronted with many problems which represent other facts of drug/alcohol abuse, e.g. health, crime, juvenile delinquency. In my opinion the most effective way to deal with drug/alcohol abuse is to develop an individual’s ability to cope with his total social environment in a constructive meaningful way.
Narconon is one of the few programs which has enabled drug/alcohol abusers to evolve a rational, humanistic approach to social and personal tensions. Narconon has proven its success inside institutions and on the streets.
It is well staffed and well organized; people associated with its program are dedicated and cooperative.
I therefore highly recommend Narconon and its director, Mr. Ben Gibson.
Councilman, Tenth District
The Narconon history.