City of Arnold Missouri Acknowledgement

City of Arnold, Missouri
July 17, 1975
Narconon Supervisor
Arnold, Missouri
We, the following elected officials of the City of Arnold are most happy that the Narconon program has begun in Arnold. The drug problem is everyone’s problem and we certainly appreciate your organization’s efforts. We sincerely hope that your program will grow and be very successful.
If we can be of any further help to you, please feel free to contact us at anytime.
Charles J. Reinhardt
Neil E. Bingaman
Max E. Washburn
Ed Schlett
Alfred Ems
AB Micke
Gilbert G. Plaff
Joe Paposky
See more history
- CSUN — Drug Rehab Forum
- Vancouver BC Member of Parlaiment recommends Narconon
- Los Angeles City Councilman recommends the Narconon program
- Article in Jefferson County Journal: Narconon
- Narconon Program working for Alouette River Correctional Unit, Canada
- Jefferson County Journal
- Vancouver city police endorse drug addict rehabilitation group’s program