HOC Member of Vancouver Recommends Narconon

United Community Services
West Eighth,
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sirs and Madames:
Throughout my entire career I have worked in the field of drug abuse as part of my job as a reporter on crime, correction and social problems in the City of Vancouver. As you are probably aware, a large part of my journalistic duties brought me into your agencies, and I learned then to respect the work and the way of doing the job of the old Community Chest and now the United Community Services.
It is because of this background that I feel Narconon, an agency for the rehabilitation of drug addicts, is a service that meets the standards of your organization.
In all my years of working with drug addicts, I have rarely seen one who has been rehabilitated. I have visited Narconon and was most impressed with what I saw and am sure that if you investigated the work done there you would be proud to share in it. In fact, from the point of view of publicity material, I am sure you would find much in their success to enhance your own record of success.
I write this letter in the hope that I can urge you to keep this service operating through United Appeal Funding.
With thanks, in advance, for any consideration you can give this organization.
Yours very truly,
Simma Holt,
Member of Parliament,