Narconon Blog


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
June 7, 2018

After Naloxone – What’s Next for Opiate Addicts?

One after another, police departments and emergency responders are being equipped with naloxone devices. If you haven’t heard of these yet, they are devices that provide a pre-set amount of the drug naloxone. This drug will quickly reverse the effects of an opiate overdose.


Karen in Recovery
April 20, 2018

More States Take Action to Fight Opioids But Is This the Right Target?

In Delaware and Louisiana, recent legislation has been enacted to fight each state’s problem with opioids. But is legislation—no matter how effective—going to enable us to eliminate our problem with addiction and overdose deaths?


Karen in Drug Rehab
March 17, 2018

Opioid Overdose Antidote Naloxone: Curse or Blessing?

It’s not difficult to pick up on the controversy swirling around the use of the opioid antidote naloxone. Some people see value in saving the lives of those who overdose. Others think that these people who seem to be trying so hard to die should be left to their fates. It’s a difficult question that deserves examination.


Karen in Drug Prevention
December 14, 2017

Will Blue Lights Succeed in Stopping Pennsylvania Overdoses?

Some businesses with public restrooms are installing intense blue lights to prevent overdoses because they make it hard for drug users to locate their blue veins. How much will this measure help prevent overdoses?


Magic Bullet to Addiction?

For the last few decades, one drug rehab expert after another has taken center stage to make claims about breakthroughs in solving addiction. Is the latest claim about medication-assisted treatment any better than old claims?


Karen in Opioids
June 29, 2017

How the U.S. Opioid Overdose Rate Misrepresents the Real Problem

In 2015, we lost 44,000 people to overdoses. But if we knew how many had been saved with naloxone, we would truly know the full extent of our crisis of opioid addiction and overdose.


Karen in Drug Rehab
February 17, 2017

Is Suboxone Really a Solution for Recovery or Does it Perpetuate the Problem?

Part 2 of the series: Suboxone: Salvation for the Addicted or Seriously Flawed Solution? Is Suboxone really a good solution for addiction? We look at more reasons why maybe this isn’t the best choice.


Karen in Drug Rehab
February 17, 2017

Suboxone: Salvation for the Addicted or Seriously Flawed Solution?

Behind the headlines about the opioid addiction epidemic, a debate has long been raging about the advisability of prescribing Suboxone for those in recovery. The desperation of this problem demands a solution. But not everyone agrees that the best solution is Suboxone.


Sue Birkenshaw
June 16, 2014

In the News: Naloxone Can Save Lives

Lately, there’s been a lot of discussion and news coverage of naloxone (also known as Narcan). This is a drug that can be administered to a person who has overdosed on opiates (derived naturally from opium) or opioids (synthetic opiates).