A New Life Built on Strength

I was born in Durango, Colorado and grew up in Cortez, Colorado by the beautiful Mesa Verdes National park. I had a good life growing up, my parents were very supportive of me, I liked sports and was involved in wrestling and baseball in school. My life was filled with happy times.
Then in my sophomore year in high school I started drinking. At first, it was just social drinking with my friends. But it didn’t stop there and by the time I was done school and working it had become an addiction. I could function and work to a degree, but I also got the DUI’s and the trips to jail, and the lost jobs that come with overindulging in alcohol.
Life was going downhill, and I knew it was time to make a decision. I decided that I was not doing this anymore. I had an aunt and a cousin who had done the Narconon program, so I knew that it worked, and my aunt said it was one of the best things she ever did. I had tried AA, but it was not the program I needed. I went to Narconon.
Arriving in rehab and going into withdraw was definitely a shock to the system, but it was done in less than a week and the way it is done in the Narconon program makes it as easy as possible.
By the time I finished the New Life Detox part of the program, which is a method of flushing out drugs and toxins from the body through exercise, sauna and vitamins, I felt the best I had ever felt. I felt 21 again.
While on the program I met some really nice people, both students and staff and we all worked together. I did have to work at the getting myself through the program, but it was worth everything I put into it.
While I was on the program I was looking forward to finishing and starting life all over again. When I did get out I found I had lost some friends, who expected me to go drinking with them, but I gained a lot of new friends who do not drink.
“I am healthier and can think clearly. I feel like I am somebody of value to himself, his family and society.”
I have not had a drink in 15 years and I have no desire to start drinking again. I can even be with someone who is having a drink and be happy with my glass of water! I am healthier and can think clearly. I feel like I am somebody of value to himself, his family and society.
My family had always supported me, and they were very happy when I finished, and I have a great relationship with them. I got back into construction and just recently got my crane operator license. Life is looking good!
What I would tell someone who is addicted to alcohol is that they can quit and it will be fine. There is a better life out there.
Craig, Narconon Graduate