Rediscovering Life: John’s Transformation from Addiction to Freedom

I was born in Alaska and raised in Colorado, in a beautiful rural area near the mountains. I have nice memories of walking outside with my mother and brother and enjoying the land and the scenery.
I started drinking when I was 12, and until I went to Narconon, I do not remember a time that I was not drinking.
I was what is known as a happy drinker. I did not get angry or violent. As a result, I got away with drinking a lot as it was not that noticeable or a problem for others. However, I knew it was a problem, at least to my health.
It got to the point that by the end of 2014, I was drinking non-stop. When I was drinking, I would not eat. I had to start drinking when I got up in the morning to avoid having seizures. I was wasting away and barely had the strength to walk. I knew that I had a choice―handle my alcohol addiction or die.
At that point, I made the right choice. I decided to handle the addiction. I went onto the internet and researched drug rehab programs and found Narconon, which seemed to be the program I needed. My mother jumped in and helped me to get there.
Because my addiction was to alcohol, I first had to do medical detoxification under a doctor’s supervision, which I started on January 15, 2015. I then went to Narconon Arrowhead in Oklahoma and did the full Narconon drug rehab program.
I did not know what to expect when I arrived at the Center as I had never done a drug rehab program before this. But the staff were friendly, helpful, professional, and very good about answering my questions and explaining the program to me, and they were always available when I needed someone to talk to.
I learned to eat again and got my body back into shape and was able to walk and do physical activity. These were big wins for me as I had arrived at the Center in such bad physical shape.
“By the time I finished the program, I realized that alcohol was no longer a controlling factor in life and that I did not ever
have to drink again.”
One of my big wins is that I can now drive down the road and not have to look over my shoulder wondering if I am going to be pulled over for drunk driving!
I can look forward to a life without drink and with pride that I got myself to Narconon and through the program and sober. I was recently hospitalized for a ruptured appendix, and the hospital staff were very impressed that I successfully stopped drinking after my years of being addicted.
My relationship with my mother and father is great, and we remain closely connected. Every year, on January 15th, I have a chocolate cake to commemorate the anniversary of the day I started to rehabilitate myself.
My advice to others with a similar problem is to make the choice to handle it. If you know it is time to quit, don’t hesitate, make the decision to deal with the addiction, and go ahead with a program that works.
Narconon worked for me.
John, Narconon Arrowhead Graduate