Narconon Blog


Ren in News
March 28, 2024

What Is the Scope of Club Drug Experimentation Today?

Club drugs refer to a category of drugs often associated with nightclubs, dance parties, music festivals, and raves. The drugs became prominent in the 1990s, and the use of such substances is still quite common. Some studies report an increase in interest in club drugs, especially among young people. Americans should educate themselves on club drugs and their effects. They should avoid such drugs and help their loved ones avoid them.


Karen in Drug Information
November 3, 2021

The Deadly Dangers of Polydrug Use

Polydrug users may encounter the greatest risks of all drug users as they mix and match their drugs to suit their desires. What they may have lost sight of is how dangerous and even deadly this practice is.


Ren in Drug Information
November 16, 2018

The Dangers and Risks of Ecstasy

If you’ve had an ear to the ground on the recent drug news and its media coverage, you may have heard whisperings and suggestions that psychedelics, hallucinogens, and a few other designer drugs are supposedly “helpful” or beneficial for addressing certain mental health issues.


Sue Birkenshaw in Club Drugs
August 1, 2018

Clubbing and Drug Abuse

Do you have a son or daughter or maybe a friend who spends a lot of time going to nightclubs or dance clubs? Then the chances are very good that they are using drugs as well. Probably a combination of drugs which increases their risk of harm or even death.


Rehab for Club Drugs

Just like with heroin and cocaine or alcohol, when a person becomes addicted to club drugs, they need drug rehab. For most people recovering from addiction, a long-term program provides the best assurance of lasting sobriety.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Use
June 21, 2014

Young People and Life-Threatening Use of Stimulants

According to national surveys of young people and drug abuse, thousands of young people begin using harshly stimulating drugs every day. What these young people lack is the experience to understand is how these drugs affect the body and how they can threaten one’s very life.


Club Drugs And How to Stay Away from Them

About Club Drugs The term “club drug” refers to a wide category of illicit drugs which are commonly consumed at parties, bars, concerts, raves and, of course, at clubs.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
December 17, 2012

Health Warning Issued On Club Drugs As Use Increases

While national efforts to reduce illicit drug use appear to be successful, a recent surge in treatment for club drug abuse has lead addiction experts to issue a health warning against it.