Narconon Blog


Editorial Staff in Alcohol Abuse
January 31, 2023

More Evidence Suggests Drinking Leads to Accidents, Hospitalization, and Death

A recent study produced an alarming finding: People who get injured while intoxicated to the point where they require hospital treatment are five times more likely to die in the coming year. That critical data point suggests that just one alcohol-related injury is a serious predictor of alcohol addiction and the many potential health crises that can come, death included. With that in mind, family members of people who drink should take action immediately if they observe their loved one has an accident involving alcohol, even if their loved one insists they don’t have a drinking problem.


Ren in Sobriety
January 31, 2020

Tips for the 2020 New Years Resolution to Drink Less or Not at All

We just moved into a new year, a new decade. This is the time when New Year’s resolutions are at their strongest. People are energized, and they’re making plans for personal betterment. But we all know what happens next. Such resolutions are gradually left by the wayside.


Ren in Alcohol
December 31, 2019

Why is Binge Drinking on the Rise for Women?

Although men still misuse alcohol at a rate higher than women, new research indicates that the gap is closing. A study published in PLOS Medicine and reported on in U.S. News brought the spotlight onto this concerning issue.


Ren in Alcohol
July 5, 2019

The Unpredictability of Alcohol Consumption

When we think of addiction, our thoughts often go to illegal drugs, and narcotics that are bought and sold on the streets and back alleys of inner cities and bad neighborhoods. However, one of the most addictive drugs in the world is entirely legal, very easy to get, and almost universally accepted. We are speaking, of course, of alcohol.


Ren in Alcohol
June 25, 2019

A Planet Drowning in Alcohol

We might not think of alcohol when we think of the world’s most addictive or harmful drug, but alcohol is up there, completely dwarfing narcotic drugs and mind-altering substances. Alcohol is a drug, in every sense of the word, and just because it is legal in the United States and other countries does not mean it is harmless.


Ren in Alcohol
April 15, 2019

French Health Officials Warn Its Citizenry of Alcohol Consumption

In the U.S., we love our alcohol. That just goes without saying. Alcohol consumption has become a regular part of our lives and such a frequent and normal occurrence that we don’t even think twice about.


Ren in Alcohol Awareness
March 28, 2019

Taking a New Look at Alcohol Consumption

We know that there are unintended consequences of alcohol consumption. We know that drinking alcohol can lead to poor choices, drunk driving, fights, public drunkenness, legal issues, unhealthy sexual decisions, bad hangovers, failed drug tests, career problems, family problems, and so on.


Ren in Drug prevention
December 6, 2018

Teen Drinking and How to Prevent It

No parent wants to find out that their teen has a drinking problem. Parents want the best for their kids. Parents want their kids to have healthy and rewarding lifestyles, to do well in school and in activities of their own choosing, and to experience adolescence and young adulthood in a way that sets them up for a rewarding and pleasant adult life. But teen drinking throws a monkey wrench into the best-laid plans…


Karen in Alcohol
November 30, 2018

What Alcohol Advertisements Won’t Ever Tell You

Alcohol ads make drinking look like a lot of fun or a sure way to attract the opposite sex. But if you think about it for a minute, that might not be all of the story. If you watch any kind of cable or broadcast television, you’ve seen ads for alcohol.


The Battle to Reduce Alcohol Use by Underage Drinkers

Despite laws, despite the fact that many parents warn their children against using alcohol when they are underage, the vast majority of our adolescents drink alcohol. You can see exactly how many in this chart from the Surgeon General’s 2007 Call to Action to end underage drinking.