Narconon Blog
Alcohol’s “New Normal”
Our world has changed in the last few years, and along with those changes, patterns of alcohol consumption have shifted. But that shift may not be the one you expect.
Over 100,000 Lives Lost to Drugs; CDC Finalizes Overdose Fatalities for 2020
The United States just passed a grim milestone, the first time in recorded history when over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses in one year. It’s a painful wake-up call, and a call to action that something must be done about the drug addiction epidemic.
Drug Overdose Deaths Jumped Nearly 30 Percent During the Pandemic
Many public health experts believed that, partially because of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was going to be the worst year yet for drug overdoses. They were right, and final numbers for the death toll exceeded even the most gloomy predictions.
Awareness of Alcohol Addiction Soars, But Treatment Does Not
Even though Americans are aware that alcohol abuse is a problem in the U.S., the treatment gap is wider than ever. Reporting suggests that the gap recently went from 10% of alcohol addicts receiving treatment down to just 6%. What must be done to address this serious problem?
Opioid Abuse Surged During the Pandemic – Treatment is the Answer for Those Now Addicted
There is compelling evidence that suggests opioid addiction and overdose rates soared during the Covid-19 pandemic. Was this a direct result of Covid-19? Or was it a continuation of America’s opioid addiction epidemic?
Death is Not the Only Negative Effect of Alcohol Misuse
When people consider drug or alcohol addiction, the most attention-grabbing, headline-worthy material is always the number of deaths caused by drinking or drug abuse. But as a recent study shows, death is only one of the serious and harmful outcomes of alcohol abuse. There are many others.
New Study Shows Lockdowns Associated with Binge Drinking
Though lockdowns slow the transmission of COVID-19, they appear to increase the number of people who binge drink.
A Focus on Alcohol and COVID-19: Is There a Connection?
As countries around the world impose quarantines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, alcohol appears to be a complicating factor. Because so many confusing ideas are swirling through our news reports and social media, it's important to focus on the facts about alcohol and COVID-19.