Narconon Blog


Ren in Synthetic drugs
May 8, 2021

Synthetic Drugs Are More Addictive, Illegal, and Available Than Ever Before

As the years go by, the types of drugs that users experiment with change. Since the turn of the century, the American people have fallen further and further into an addiction crisis which has been brought on primarily by a gradual shift towards highly addictive, extremely dangerous, even lethal, illegal synthetic drugs.


Ren in Drug Addiction
December 30, 2019

Drug Addiction—Enslaved to a Substance

To be addicted to a substance is truly to be enslaved by that substance. The substance controls you. But that also means the people who provide that substance control you, in a way. And you are also a slave to seeking money so that you can buy the substance, even if that means stealing to get the money…