Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
December 26, 2022

Research Suggests a Link Between Pandemic Drinking and Alcohol-Related Deaths

A unique drug, alcohol is known to be an unhealthy substance that carries both short-term and long-term harm, yet the substance is socially accepted and normalized within American society. New research shows how alcohol-related deaths spiked 26% during the pandemic. In the same year, overall alcohol consumption increased dramatically.


Alcohol Addiction and Mortality Rates Have Soared Since Pandemic

Alcohol addiction and alcohol-related deaths have increased dramatically in recent years. Today, alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States. Yet, unlike the opioid epidemic, alcohol misuse receives little attention. It’s time to recognize alcohol-related harm for what it is, an epidemic.


Ren in News
November 8, 2021

Drug Overdose Deaths Jumped Nearly 30 Percent During the Pandemic

Many public health experts believed that, partially because of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was going to be the worst year yet for drug overdoses. They were right, and final numbers for the death toll exceeded even the most gloomy predictions.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
July 28, 2021

Opioid Abuse Surged During the Pandemic – Treatment is the Answer for Those Now Addicted

There is compelling evidence that suggests opioid addiction and overdose rates soared during the Covid-19 pandemic. Was this a direct result of Covid-19? Or was it a continuation of America’s opioid addiction epidemic?


Ren in Alcohol Addiction
July 13, 2021

Death is Not the Only Negative Effect of Alcohol Misuse

When people consider drug or alcohol addiction, the most attention-grabbing, headline-worthy material is always the number of deaths caused by drinking or drug abuse. But as a recent study shows, death is only one of the serious and harmful outcomes of alcohol abuse. There are many others.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
May 5, 2021

New Study Shows Lockdowns Associated with Binge Drinking

Though lockdowns slow the transmission of COVID-19, they appear to increase the number of people who binge drink.


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
April 22, 2021

Alcohol Used as Coping Mechanism for Covid Anxiety

While any type of alcohol consumption carries some risk for harm, consuming alcohol as a coping mechanism for anxiety creates a considerable risk for addiction. No one should use alcohol as a method of “dealing with anxiety.


What Does the UN’s World Drug Report Tell Us About Addiction?

Every year, the United Nations issues a report on the state of drug use around the globe. What does this year’s report tell us? It’s predictably grim news.


Ren in Sobriety
June 22, 2020

Summer BBQ? How to Host a Socially Distanced Sober Summer Party

As we roll into the summer months and some of the shelter-at-home quarantine mandates loosen, many Americans are undoubtedly entertaining the idea of hosting BBQs, parties, beach days, and other social gatherings.