Narconon Program 1976
In 1976, Narconon celebrated 10 years of saving lives both with drug rehabilitation and prevention.

Acknowledgement from Parish Prison New Orleans, Louisiana

Article in UK: Approach to Solve Drug Problem

California Parole Agent Accepts Narconon Advisory Board Position

Article: Narconon produces booklet Consumer’s Guide to Drug Rehabilitation in L.A. County”

Distributing Drug Rehab Booklet

LA County: Distributing Guide to Rehab

Los Angeles County Narcotics Div Requests Narconon Drug Abuse Booklets

Article in UK: Drug Therapy Center Opening in Bracknell

Article: Ex-Convict Drills Treat Addiction

ewspaper Article: Get Off Drugs With The Aid of Narconon

Article in Mexican American Sun - 1973 - Narconon publishes guide to rehab centers

Letter from Senator Hubert Humphrey congratulating Narconon on receipt of McKnight Foundation Grant

ental Health California Recommends Narconon
The Narconon history.