Get Off Drugs With The Aid of Narconon

Newspaper article in the Meramec Community Press February 11, 1976 on Narconon Program in St. Louis and internationally giving graduate results and former pro NFL player starting a Narconon program in his area. (Narconon history 1976)
A representative from Narconon’s national management office in Los Angeles is touring the U. S. at this time with a unique color slide show event about the Narconon Drug Rehabilitation Program. This presentation as well as graduation of recent students in the program will take place at 8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 19, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church on Tenbrook in Arnold.
The slide show will cover areas such as case histories of Narconon Graduates, documented results of the programs success rate, how Narconon is helping create a saner society through its prison and community programs, and how you can do something about drugs and crime in your area.
The Narconon classroom is located at Good Shepherd and though new to our area Narconon is an international drug program and since 1966 has been achieving actual results in preventing and reducing drug abuse and crime. The program utilizes the technology of L. Ron Hubbard and has received written commendation from the legislature of the state of California, the city of Los Angeles, the West German government, doctors and professional people, school principals and law enforcement officials, as well as active support from ex-star 49er quarterback John Brodie, who established a program in his area.
“I would like to see the program really utilized by the community for prevention and rehabilitation”, stated director Mary Spencer. “We need not agree that drugs become a way of life, and whether it be your next door neighbor dependent or prescription tranquilizers, or your teenage son doing a little ‘social dope,’ drugs are abused as a solution to a problem. People are basically good and respond to creativity and responsibility. The program works because it teaches you to face problems without reaching for crutches, such as drugs.”
The Narconon program may prove equally effective in the area of prevention. Perhaps this is best expressed by principal John Hansen of the San Lorenzo school district of California in his letter to the Narconon program in his area.
“Again, I would like to express my appreciation to your group for the excellent program you conducted for our students during the past school year.”
The Narconon history.