State of Delaware Department of Correction Office of the Commissioner
August 5, 1976
The Honorable Pierre S. duPont IV
Dear Mr. duPont:
I am pleased to furnish this letter to you through Pete Drusts of the Narconon organization.
For your information, Narconon has been operating a program in our adult institutions for treatment of inmates with drug problems, and this has been an important part of our counseling services for several years. Since it has been funded from Federal sources it has been over and above the services which we are able to provide from our regular budget. I would hope that we would be able to support this kind of treatment effort through State funds some day, but that is not a possibility in the near future.
It would be a substantial loss to us if the Narconon program cannot be continued, and so I will be very pleased indeed if they can find a source of continuing support.
Yours very truly,
Paul W. Keve Acting Commissioner