Narconon News

September, 1972
Yes! It Is Time To Stop This.
The needless loss of lives and sinking of our society into degradation and unawareness must be halted. Wishful thinking is not enough. It cannot be, as some would wish, just left to the government. It requires action on your part and mine.
Narconon Program In Delaware Expanding
The program in the Delaware Correction Center is expanding. This is the first Narconon program to have received expenses from a state government. At this time it is being run by the inmates under the able leadership of James Timbs. Fred Peterson, and Fred A1bertino from Wilmington and Joe Belotti from Arlington, Virginia meet with the officers on weekends as often as they can.
Classes were started for new students on September 5th. These are being supervised by inmates who were trained by Barry Jaye as course supervisors. Morale is very high. They have learned how to be free of drugs.
Here is a letter by one of the inmate staff members of the program which was published in The Morning News, a newspaper in Wilmington, Delaware, under the title “Narconon lauded”:
“We inmates at the Delaware Correctional Center are running a drug program. Our regular supervisor, Barry Jaye, left us on Aug. 4. Before he left he trained four of us, James Timbs. Earl Butler, Joe Walling and I. We plan to get NARCONON into all adult corrections and youth centers in Delaware.
This program works and also offers a new future for ex-addicts and abusers. It teaches a man how to confront problems in the present time and that’s what is needed to make our society sane. This program also teaches a man how to study and to be more aware of himself and his environment. It helps him to understand himself and by understanding himself he will be able to understand his own and other people’s problems. Affinity, reality and communication equal understanding.
We have worked hard for NARCONON here and we will work even harder to keep it going. I wish to thank the state of Delaware for opening its eyes. I also thank those who started NARCONON here. Thanks for letting us become free men even though we are confined.”
Letter Registrar for NARCONON, Smyrna, Del.
Successful Tour
Barry Jaye has just completed a tour of Narconon installations and prospective installations across the U.S. He spoke with the Ass’t Director of Corrections in Missouri, the Director of Correction in Nebraska and gave talks to interested groups in Boston, New York, St. Louis, Omaha, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.
Grant Approved For New Program In Massachusetts
Narconon New England has been approved for a small grant of state funds by the town board in Milton, Mass. for a community program in the town. This was accomplished through the initiative of the Director of Narconon New England, Deac Finn, and John Garrison.
Success Stories
My name is Bob and I’ve been in the Narconon program for six months now. I’m liking it more each day. The things I’ve learned are really heavy, and I feel great about having done the different things that will help me from now on. A person will be surprised at what he can learn from the Communications Course. It’s helped me handle my hang-ups, and to get along with the staff here. I feel better inside knowing more about myself and others. What I learned and apply gives me more ability to do the things I want. Narconon helps us help ourselves. We dig it, and what it is doing here for us.
Youth Training School
I have found that the further I go into this course, the better I have been able to communicate with more people here, as well as know myself better. Otherwise, I feel better and more at ease as each day passes. I feel that I have found that starting point I have been looking for such a long time.
I had a success and I feel that Narconon helped me have this success. So here it is. It first started with two people and they had a disagreement with each other and before anybody knew it, it started to involve two races and before long both races were packing a piece (not the love kind of peace, the kind of piece that can kill somebody). So, I saw what was going to happen, and that no one was trying to confront one or the other of the parties involved.
That’s when Narconon came in. I went over and confronted one of the leaders of the other race and confronted the problem and had good communication with each of them and got the thing settled and nothing happened. But, I feel that if it wasn’t for Narconon I wouldn’t have confronted it. I know I wouldn’t have confronted it. Not only was I able to confront, but I also had good communication. I have been going to Narconon for three weeks and I feel better already. Thank you.
Number 6, September 1972 - Narconon News is a Publication of the Narconon U.S. Office 833 Beacon Avenue, Los Angeles, California 90017. Phone: (213) 487-1088
Narconon is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to the reduction and prevention of Drug Abuse and Crime. All donations to Narconon are tax deductible.
Director U.S. - Mark Jones Editor- William Fry; Artist- Terry Hayes
Copyright © 1972 - Narconon. All RIGHTS RESERVED
More History Articles:
- Delaware Article - 23 graduates of Narconon program
- Arizona Republic Article: Felon plan lowers use of narcotics
- Arizona Education Support Recommendation
- Boston Dept of Health Requests Narconon Program
- Woman Gets 2nd Chance after Heroin Conviction, with Narconon
- Chief Judge Phoenix Airzona Letter
- Article: Curing Drink Problem
- Delaware is First Sponsor of Narconon in a Correction Institution
- Delaware Keeps Narconon Program
- Delaware Narconon Expansion