Delaware First State to Sponsor Narconon for Corrections Institution

Delaware State News
July 10, 1972
Inmates To Run Drug Program
SMYRNA - Some 22 inmates at Delaware Correctional Center Friday will start running their own in-house anti-drug abuse program.
The new program is called Narconon. Delaware is the first state to sponsor it for a state corrections institution. The program has operated in Arizona and California, but more as a county or prison sponsored program.
For the past six weeks, Barry Jaye of the national Narconon program, has been holding daily classes at the prison. At first, only six inmates showed up for classes. Now 22 inmates are “graduating.”
The qualifications to join Narconon, according to a spokesman, are that the inmates be a former drug abuser and be able to interact in a group situation.
Classes are held every afternoon for about two and one-half hours.
Delaware with the approval of Adult Corrections director John J. Moran, contributed $1,000 for Jaye to set up the program at DCC.
The program, besides utilizing books, works on a “basic communication technique,” the spokesman said, where one person will confront another person with their problem. The problem, in this case, drug abuse, is to be overcome through education and communication.
Narconon is a non-profit organization.
The ceremonies for the 22 inmates will be held at the prison chapel this Friday at 10 a.m.
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