Superintendent of Arizona Education Supports and Recommends Narconon

State of Arizona
Department of Education
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
W. P. Shofstall, Ph. D
October 27, 1972
Please be advised that 1 have made personal investigation in considerable depth of the NARCONON program for rehabilitating drug addicts and of the techniques used in this program. I find that none of the criticisms leveled at this program are valid. I further find that NARCONON is the only program known to me at this time which utilizes the fundamental concepts and philosophy found in Vocational Rehabilitation. We believe in the potential of every handicapped person in our society to contribute to that society and further believe that each such person has the capacity to use all of the skills, the information and the resources which we can make available to achieve, with our assistance, his or her own rehabilitation. This is essentially the fundamental philosophy of NARCONON and I therefore give my unreserved support and recommendation for expansion to the NARCONON program.
Very truly yours,
Robert A. Batten, Jr.
Associate Superintendent
for Vocational Rehabilitation
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