Narconon Blog
Drug Use in the Food and Beverage Industry Under Scrutiny
In a nation where our drug problem grows by the year, we’re starting to see drug use and alcohol misuse crop up in businesses. Entire industries have been affected. We hear about office accidents, workplace injuries, falls, and so on, often caused by intoxication.
More States Take Action to Fight Opioids But Is This the Right Target?
In Delaware and Louisiana, recent legislation has been enacted to fight each state’s problem with opioids. But is legislation—no matter how effective—going to enable us to eliminate our problem with addiction and overdose deaths?
How Much Are YOU Paying for the Drug and Alcohol Abuse of Americans?
It’s very likely the majority of Americans think drug abuse and addiction are problems that don’t directly affect them. Unless it’s present in their household, they’re free of any effects, right? Actually, no.…