Narconon Blog


Karen in Marijuana
July 28, 2020

Vaping, Your Lungs and Coronavirus

Some people consider that vaping is safer and healthier than smoking cigarettes or joints. But is it really healthier when it comes fighting off respiratory infections?


Ren in Drug Information
February 7, 2019

What Are the Most Addictive Drugs in the World?

It’s no small task to measure the addiction potential of a substance. But researchers still put in the effort do this in order to furnish us with valuable information about different drugs. That information can help us greatly in addressing the drug crisis that our nation is mired in.


Ren in Gateway drugs
January 8, 2019

What is the Real Risk Behind Teen Vaping?

The common pastime that we know as vaping is not the risk-free, cigarette habit-breaking hobby that we are often led to believe it is. Though “vape culture” as it is called has been met with strong support, real risks to our health are present in vaping.