Narconon Blog


Ren in Marijuana Use
April 14, 2022

Drugged Driving and Cannabis

People who use cannabis sometimes say that they feel okay to drive after an hour or two has passed. But are they really okay to drive? A new study shows they are not.


Karen in Alcohol
March 21, 2018

“Getting to Zero Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities” — Realistic or Overly Optimistic?

When people talk about reducing the harm done by alcohol or drugs, there always seems to an assumption that some people are always going to use these substances harmfully. No matter what you do, some people will die in the driver’s seat after leaving the bar or some young people will accidentally overdose on painkillers. That’s why I found it so refreshing that one group is on a mission to reduce alcohol-related traffic deaths to zero.


Karen in Peer pressure
December 26, 2017

The Social Norms We Must Change to Save Lives

There are hundreds of social norms shaping the way we think about alcohol and drug use use. But are norms dangerous? Useful? Rational? Are some of them leading to a loss of life? Should we re-evalute the norms we accept without even thinking about them?


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
July 25, 2012

Study Finds Quarter of Suicide Victims are Intoxicated at Time of Death

After reviewing 58,000 suicide cases from across the US, researchers concluded that alcohol played a definite – and tragic – role in these deaths . While numbers varied by gender and ethnic background, on average, nearly a quarter of those who killed themselves were legally drunk when they did so.


Sue Birkenshaw in Alcohol Addiction
January 30, 2012

How Much Does Alcoholism Contribute to Traffic Fatalities?

It’s a good guess that pretty much everyone knows that drunk drivers are dangerous to themselves and everyone in their environments. Amazingly, this doesn’t stop tens of thousands of people each year from driving off in their cars when they have had too much to drink.