Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Prevention
February 2, 2019

How Can We Make 2019 a Year of Good Deeds in the Fight against Opioid Addiction?

The New Year is well underway, giving us opportunities for thoughtful introspection on how we can make 2019 not just a good year, but a great one.


Karen in Drug Prevention
June 25, 2018

The Subtle, Invisible and Deadly Pressure to Remain Silent

There’s nothing so awfully bad about keeping your cards close to your chest. You don’t have to reveal everything you know to everyone. But in this world we live in today, there is simply way too much silence.


Karen in Recovery
April 20, 2018

More States Take Action to Fight Opioids But Is This the Right Target?

In Delaware and Louisiana, recent legislation has been enacted to fight each state’s problem with opioids. But is legislation—no matter how effective—going to enable us to eliminate our problem with addiction and overdose deaths?


Ren in Drug Prevention
April 7, 2018

Random Tests in Schools—Valid Strategy or Invasion of Privacy?

As drug use has become more prevalent amongst young people, a proposed solution to the problem has also brought on a huge controversy. This is the proposed solution of using random drug tests in schools . Drug testing occurs just about everywhere else.