Narconon Blog


Ren in Prescription drugs
July 14, 2019

An Overview of Nations, Looking at the Prescription Drug Problem on a Global Scale

Drug addiction in the United States is an expanding problem. While we might not want to admit it, much of what created the addiction epidemic that we face today was the rapid expansion of the pharmaceutical industry, the lack of regulation in that industry, and the mass proliferation of addictive pharmaceuticals (such as opioid painkillers) into the hands of the American people.


Ren in Prescription drugs
June 19, 2019

How Might Doctors Refocus Post-Operation Opioid Prescribing?

Opioid addiction is the most discussed, most concerning, and most lethal drug addiction problem in the United States today. News of opioid dependence hits media headlines weekly. It is a national public health emergency that threatens the very viability of our country.


Ren in Drug Information
November 9, 2018

Are Some Drugs Worse than Others?—An Honest Look at Different Substances

Sometimes we hear this idea tossed around that, “Not all drugs are created equal,” or “Not all drugs are the same, some are worse than others.” We have to be careful with this concept because it precludes the general fundamental truth that all drugs are unhealthy and risky.


Ren in Drug information
September 5, 2018

The Truth About Pharmaceutical Stimulants

The list of subjects that have as much false data on them as drugs and alcohol would be a short one indeed. The subject of drugs and alcohol is a subject that few people understand very well. And that is not helped by the fact that there is also a lot of misinformation on the subject.


Ren in Prescription drugs
July 28, 2018

Carisoprodol, The New Prescription Drug of Interest

Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry plans to submit more than nine-hundred new pharmaceutical drugs to the Food and Drug Administration for approval between now and 2022? This is the gravity of the world we live in, a world where we use pharmaceutical drugs as a solution to just about everything.


Karen in Prescription drug abuse
February 28, 2018

How Your Tax Dollars Finance the Opioid Epidemic

The average American would be horrified to think of his hard-earned money, his tax dollars supporting anything as insidious and destructive as the current epidemic of opioid use and overdose.


Karen in Opioids
May 4, 2017

Is Your Loved One at Risk for an Overdose?

While it’s true that addiction is not restricted to any particular social, economic or cultural groups, a study of those who have overdosed could provide a description of those most at risk for this fate.


Karen in Information on U.S. States
April 14, 2017

Florida Grabs Two Slots in a “Top 15” List – and Why that’s Really Bad News

It seems like it’d always be desirable for a city to show up in a list of the Top Ten or Twenty for some particular quality. Florida is no newcomer to these honors. But this time, Florida is not exactly honored by taking two places on a new “Top 15” list.


Karen in Drug prevention
January 30, 2017

Ten Things Parents Can Do Right Now to Reduce the Chance of Drug Abuse

The majority of parents want with all their hearts for their children to grow up drug-free, healthy and successful. But this task has never been more difficult. Narconon offers ten things parents can do right now.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
May 30, 2015

Is a Hospital Survey Worsening Our Addiction Problem?

When we see a doctor, we want to think that the doctor is deciding on the best care to make us healthy again. But what if that doctor was under pressure to change what he recommends for us? Surely that could not be good for the patients of any doctor under that kind of pressure.