Narconon Blog


Ren in Opioid Crisis
December 22, 2020

One Percent of Doctors Responsible for 25 Percent of Opiate Prescriptions

Overprescribing of opioid pain relievers is a serious issue. However, it's a relatively small group of physicians that are culpable in this. The majority of doctors are doing their best to treat their patients properly. It's just a few of them that are doling out opioid prescriptions in amounts that far exceed prescribing guidelines.


Ren in Drug Information
September 7, 2019

Exploring the Off-Label Gabapentin Spike

If you’ve ever had a family member or friend who struggled with seizures, then you’ve probably heard of gabapentin. If not, let’s define it. Gabapentin is an anti-epileptic drug, an anticonvulsant. It’s one of the most commonly prescribed medications in the U.S.


Karen in Drug Addiction
February 4, 2019

Why Are We Losing So Many Older Women to Drug Overdose Deaths?

A recent analysis of drug overdose deaths shows a shocking increase in the number of older American women who are lost to overdoses of prescription opioids or even heroin and fentanyl. It’s vital to understand how this happens so these losses can be prevented.


Ren in Sobriety
August 22, 2018

Can We Support Our Way Through the Opioid Problem?

The United States is in the midst of a pretty terrible health crisis, and it’s not what most people might think of when they think of a “health crisis.” In the morass of cancers, smoking, obesity, diabetes, ALS, Autism, and all of the other 21st-century health problems that are highly relevant, there is yet another health issue that is potentially more dangerous than all of the above health problems.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
May 24, 2018

Fear: A Major Factor in Addiction

It may not seem like it to a person who has never been addicted, but fear is a big reason that the addicted stay addicted. The continuous presence of fear is a big part of what keeps them locked in their addictions. When they are high, they don’t feel any fear.