Narconon Blog


Staff Writer in Success Story
January 14, 2021

Going from the Rock Bottom of Drug Abuse to the top, with Narconon

Jazzmine was so high on drugs she went missing for three days. Her mother put up missing posters. Once her mother found Jazzmine, she took her straight to Narconon. Jazzmine's life was saved that day.


Ren in Addiction
December 1, 2019

What Works in Ensuring Long-Term Recovery?

For anyone who has a family member or loved one who is addicted or is in recovery, the big question is this. “How can we guarantee long-term recovery?” We know how dangerous relapses are. We know about the ever-present risk of an overdose. We know that addiction is a life or death matter.


Ren in Sobriety
March 18, 2019

How a Recovering Addict Can Use Decision-Making, Life Skills, Personal Ethics, and Other Tools for Staying Sober

Life in recovery can sometimes be difficult and challenging. But the struggles of life in general are why recovering addicts need to have the tools for staying sober.


How to Achieve Lasting Recovery from Drug Addiction

When the true factors that underlay addiction are addressed and handled, then addiction recovery can be long-lasting. When these factors are covered up with medication or psychiatric diagnoses, the recovery may not be so durable.