Narconon Blog


What Do You Do When Someone Says They Don’t Need Drug Rehab?

It is one of the worst ironies of addiction that drug abuse itself lowers the awareness of the problem a person is having with drugs. In so many cases, a person may refuse help recovering from drug addiction, may reject the idea of drug rehab, because he or she can’t see the damage.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
June 7, 2018

After Naloxone – What’s Next for Opiate Addicts?

One after another, police departments and emergency responders are being equipped with naloxone devices. If you haven’t heard of these yet, they are devices that provide a pre-set amount of the drug naloxone. This drug will quickly reverse the effects of an opiate overdose.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
May 12, 2018

Help for the Families of Addicts

Anyone working in addiction recovery knows that families suffer right along with those who are addicted. Parents and siblings suffer the terror that their loved one won’t make it home or worse, have no idea where he is tonight.