Narconon Blog


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
May 11, 2018

Is it Okay if Your Child Drinks a Little or Smokes a Little Marijuana?

As long as he (or she) is not overdoing it, are you okay with a little drug use by your kids? Does it not worry you if your child drinks as long as they do it at home or the home of someone you know? And how about marijuana? Is this fairly harmless, as far as you’re concerned?


Karen in Drug Education
March 19, 2018

Is There Really Such a Thing as a “Gateway Drug”?

Most people have some kind of understanding of the idea of a gateway drugs—drugs that that are likely to lead to the use of more dangerous, deadly and addictive drugs. But some people argue that the gateway concept does not exist. Is this true or is this claim a dangerous muddling of the truth?


Karen in Drug Rehab
March 9, 2018

7 Reasons We Must Avoid “Tunnel Vision” as We Fight Addiction

As we work to solve America’s problems with drug addiction and overdoses, there’s an intense focus on opioids alone. Letting ourselves develop this kind of tunnel vision could result in our overlooking some truly vital aspects of our nation’s problems with drugs and addiction.


Karen in Gateway drugs
March 16, 2017

Maryland Sheriff Cites Marijuana as Beginning a Path to Overdose For Many

In Maryland, a recent poll showed that 58% of Marylanders are in favor of legalizing marijuana. Would they feel that way if they realized how many started with marijuana and ended up with deadly overdoses?


Sue Birkenshaw in Marijuana Use
May 10, 2015

Marijuana as a Gateway Drug

Is marijuana really a gateway drug? That depends on who you ask. If you ask NORML, the pro-marijuana advocacy group, they’ll say no. Asking those who ended up going to rehab for intensely destructive drugs like heroin and cocaine might get you a different answer.


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
April 7, 2015

Should Energy Drinks Be Considered the New Gateway Drug?

There is no specific path by which all individuals enter into drug use. Yet according to the Journal of Addiction Medicine, teenagers who consumed energy drinks were two to three times more likely to try alcohol, tobacco and marijuana products compared to teenagers who did not consume energy drinks.


Karen in Marijuana Use
February 5, 2013

Marijuana Shipment Dumped in Ocean Cuts off Supplies for Teenage Drug Abuse

In late May 2012, more than one hundred bales of marijuana were found floating in the Pacific Ocean off the Orange County coast. The Sheriff’s Department hauled in the drugs that were then whisked away for destruction.


Sue Birkenshaw in Narconon
October 8, 2012

Marijuana as a Gateway Drug Could Be Causing Nationwide Epidemic

A recent Yale study, which may be viewed online in the Journal of Adolescent Health, concluded that marijuana is definitely a gateway drug. The study focused on data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health from the years 2006, 2007 and 2008 of young adults age 18-25 years old.