Narconon Blog
New Restrictions on Painkillers Increase the Illegal Trade of the Drug
The primary reason we are in the drug and alcohol addiction epidemic that we are currently in is that of pharmaceutical drugs. There is no sense sugarcoating this, not when this is very much so the truth of the situation.
Painkiller Abuse has Long-Term Health Consequences
It is no mystery to anyone that the use and abuse of painkiller drugs, for self-medicative or recreational reasons, is an extremely unhealthy choice. This is no mystery to us.
Prescription Drug Abuse Across the States; Areas Most Affected
The United States is the land of the free, the home of the brave, where all men, women, and children are treated equally. Yet, when it comes to substance abuse and the nation’s 21st-century drug addiction epidemic, it would not seem that equality is the keynote of the crisis.