Narconon Blog
Interventions Can Save Lives
There is a very unfortunate belief held by some that a person must “hit rock bottom” before they can be helped. Yet with the type of drugs on the market today, a person can easily be dead before they hit rock bottom.
The Opioid Crisis Infiltrates America’s Farmlands
You might think the great farms in America’s heartlands are the last places that drug addiction or overdose deaths would be problems. A recent survey of rural communities proves that even these areas have been infiltrated.
What Did Ohio Do to Deserve So Much Heroin and Fentanyl?
Narconon takes a closer look at the devastating problems of opioid addiction and overdose in Ohio, and why foreign drug traffickers might have this state in their crosshairs.
Drug Abuse Becomes The Leading Cause Of Death Among The Homeless
Just before the dawn of the new millennium, AIDS was the leading cause of death among homeless people. Recently, this situation has made a nearly perfect reversal: in the period between 2003 and 2008, only 6 percent of homeless people died from AIDS, while drug overdose now accounts for 17 percent of deaths.