Narconon Blog


Karen in Marijuana
October 28, 2019

Why Does the Surgeon General Advise Pregnant Women to Avoid Marijuana?

As marijuana use becomes legal in more and more states, it can be hard to know who to ask for advice on the safety of this drug. For pregnant women, knowing who to listen to is particularly important. To help these women, the U.S. Surgeon General has just issued advice for all pregnant women on marijuana use.


Ren in Family Help
November 17, 2018

Are We Overmedicating Kids with Addictive Drugs?

It is completely normal for us parents to be more than a little bit concerned with protecting our children’s health. We want our kids to be healthy, happy, and to live well. And being healthy means a whole lot more than just being physically healthy too. It also means being mentally healthy.


10 Tips to Keep Kids Off Drugs this Summer

Now that your kids are out of school, how can you be sure that they will stay out of trouble? How do you know that they won’t get involved with drugs? There are things that you can do to help them stay safe and enjoy a drug-free summer.


Karen in Dealing with Addiction
May 2, 2018

Save a Generation, Save Our Children!

Our headlines are peppered with news about opioids, marijuana and recently, stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamine.


Karen in Marijuana
April 10, 2018

Marijuana and Children: Household Pot Use Can Result in Detectable Levels of THC in Kids

How many marijuana-using parents think their children might test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)? Through use by pregnant or nursing women, exposure to secondhand smoke or from picking up edibles around the house, children can be exposed to plenty of THC—and the drug may not be so quick to be eliminated from their bodies.


Ren in Effects on children
March 24, 2018

America’s Drug Addiction Epidemic and its Effect on Foster Care

Foster children are met with struggles and strife quite unlike anything else, their lives having been smitten with a struggle that none but foster kids have to face.


Karen in Marijuana
November 7, 2017

Colorado Marijuana Exposure Results in First Documented Infant Death

An 11-month-old Colorado infant died after exposure to edible marijuana. His death is the first documented U.S. death resulting from this drug.


Karen in Effects on children
March 25, 2017

Can You Listen to this 911 Call About an Overdose without Weeping?

In Cincinnati, the 911 emergency system recorded a terrifying event – a young girl calling for help as her parents overdosed in the front seat of their car. The operator tried to calm her terror as emergency help was sent her way.…