Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug prevention
January 24, 2020

Risky Behavior and Addiction – Knowing What to Watch Out For

Most experts agree that addiction is not limited by race, genetics, socio-economic backgrounds or level of education. They may be factors, but there is no one smoking gun that always equates to addiction among them. Except perhaps, the behavior of using substances as a solution to a problem.


Ren in Drug Addiction
October 20, 2018

Drugs Throughout History, the Current Drug Crisis, and Why We Need to Talk About It

It would seem that year after year, the U.S. drug and alcohol addiction problem has only grown more complicated and more difficult. It always seems like every time we approach a position where we might be able to overcome this problem, another drug comes on the scene, or another issue makes itself apparent to us. There is almost this feeling that we can't win when it comes to drugs and alcohol.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
April 16, 2018

Is Drug Abuse a Mental or A Physical Issue?

This is likely the most heated and debated topic in drug and alcohol addiction. When people struggle with a substance abuse habit, it encapsulates them and slowly ruins them, but where did it start? In a mental crisis or a physical craving?