Narconon Blog
The True Cost of that Drink in Your Hand
Imagine you go to a popular bar with friends on a Saturday night. That night, thousands of drinks will be served, some to people drinking excessively. You might not realize that every American is paying several hundred dollars a year for that excessive consumption of alcohol.
The Challenge of Staying Sober in a Drinking Culture
What happens when a person who doesn’t want to drink is immersed in a culture where drinking is the norm and everyone present is expected to participate? Many people cave. This can also mean that a few people are going to lose their lives.
The Secret to Coping Successfully with an Addicted Loved One
In the United States, at any moment in time, there are more than twenty million households dealing with the addiction of a loved one. What are the secrets that can enable loved ones to come to grips with this problem?
Alcohol’s Devastating Effects—The Elephant in the Room
Alcohol or drugs—which is more destructive of human life? You might be surprised. The World Health Organization reports on the vast wreckage of alcohol overconsumption.
Drugging Alcoholics in Recovery: Is it Really a Good Idea?
The newest trend in addiction recovery is the widespread support for use of medications in rehab programs. Are the risks of drugs used to treat alcoholism really necessary when drug-free alternatives exist?
Family of Nelsan Ellis Shares His Story: Withdrawal from Alcohol Caused his Death
Two days after actor Nelsan Ellis’ death, his family shared the cause of their loss: Nelsan was trying to withdraw from heavy alcohol consumption all on his own.