Narconon Blog


Ren in Alcohol Abuse
November 24, 2020

Alcohol Deaths on the Rise – The Silent Killer in Rural America

The CDC recently released a report that shows a 43% increase in alcohol-related deaths. What is particularly shocking is that the most significant increases in deaths have been in rural areas. What is causing this? And what are the potential solutions to it?


Ren in Drug Prevention
October 30, 2018

Tools for Preventing Drug Use in One’s Community

The subject of drug and alcohol abuse is one that we don’t like to talk about much, probably because it always feels like the “Unsolvable Problem“ of human nature. Case in point, there is the general datum that just about everyone knows that they shouldn’t use drugs and misuse alcohol, yet millions of Americans still do so. Why is this?


Sue Birkenshaw in Alcohol
May 15, 2018

Are Opiate Replacement Drugs Being Recommended to Treat Alcoholism

Can opiate replacement drugs be used to treat alcoholism, and just as importantly, should they? The New York Times published an article which weighed in on these issues, “ Drugs to Aid Alcoholics See Little Use, Study Finds .


Sue Birkenshaw in Drug Addiction
August 13, 2014

Robin Williams: Drugs Legal and Illegal

“It’s just literally being afraid. And you think, oh, [ the alcohol ] will ease the fear. And it doesn’t.” This is Robin Williams, four years ago, speaking with an interviewer from the British newspaper The Guardian.