Narconon Blog


Scotland’s Drug Problem Then and Now

Headline after headline has broken with the news that Scotland is in the midst of the worst drug problem in Europe with the highest rate of drug overdose deaths in the region. And while this public health crisis is certainly newsworthy, some key details to it are not being fully considered.


Opiate Addiction in the United Kingdom

What is the scope of opiate addiction? Reports indicate that more UK residents are using opioid pain relievers, but has that led to an increase in addiction?


Ren in News
February 10, 2020

Recession, Poverty, and Substance Abuse Leads to a Drop in Life Expectancy in Great Britain

A headline in the New York Times reads, “Shortchanged: Why British Life Expectancy Has Stalled.” With just a glance at the headline, I was hit with a wave of deja vu. Then I remembered I’d written about this subject before, except in the context of American lifespan stalling and receding.


Ren in News
July 2, 2019

We are Polluting Our Waterways with Drugs

Can you imagine drug use becoming so prolific, so frequent, so regular and mainstream that our waterways would become contaminated with drug residues? It’s almost unfathomable to imagine this as a true fact, but news stories, research papers, and opinion pieces paint a dire picture that this is the


Ren in Information on U.S. States
June 30, 2019

Excessive Dental Opioid Prescribing an Anomaly in the U.S.

It is safe to say that treating oral pain problems is something that dentists often have to do. But how they go about treating such symptoms is another matter entirely.