Narconon Blog


Karen in Drug Use
April 4, 2022

The State of Teen Drug Use: What Are the Real Numbers?

Are our children using more drugs or less these days? How about drinking and binge drinking? Actually, quite a bit of the information is positive.


Karen in Gateway drugs
December 4, 2021

Are There Really Any Gateway Drugs?

Arguments over this concept are not likely to end any time soon, with pro-drug advocates claiming that there is no gateway effect to drug use, and prohibitionists claiming the opposite. We take a look at some of the science.


Karen in Drug Information
September 12, 2021

The State of Drug or Alcohol Abuse Among American Teens

Knowing what signs of drug use to watch for when there are teens or pre-teens in the home means monitoring the changes in the illicit drug market and patterns of use. Check out the 2020 numbers for drug use among 8th, 10th and 12th-grade students.


Ren in Marijuana Use
September 3, 2021

Is There Proof that Marijuana Causes Permanent Harm in Adolescents?

Even as marijuana legalization continues to advance across the U.S., there is an accumulation of evidence that marijuana is harmful, (possibly permanently damaging), for youths. What must be done to protect adolescents from a drug that is detrimental to them, one that is becoming easier to obtain?


Ren in Marijuana
July 11, 2021

Where Medical Marijuana is Advertised, Youth Consumption Increases

A 2019 study draws a connection between medical marijuana advertising and adolescent marijuana use. According to the study, in regions where medical marijuana is heavily promoted, there is more youth cannabis use. If this correlation is true, residents should take a stand against medicinal marijuana advertisements immediately.


Ren in Marijuana
January 8, 2020

Doubling the Risk of Stroke—A Harmful Consequence of Marijuana Use

Marijuana. Marijuana. Marijuana. It seems that everywhere we look, there is another story on marijuana, another slew of opinions, always taking one side or the other, usually debating over emotions and morals as opposed to science and facts.


Ren in Marijuana
December 20, 2019

Adverse Consequences of Marijuana Use on the Rise in States that Legalized

Just about everything having to do with marijuana is seen as highly controversial. As states continue to legalize its use for recreational purposes, we are beginning to see growing evidence that not all is as it seems. Using marijuana has consequences and, legal or not, the number of individuals affected by those consequences is growing.


Ren in Marijuana
December 28, 2018

Is Marijuana A Gateway Drug?

Here we have one of the most debated, argued, and contentious subjects within the marijuana issue. The question as to whether or not marijuana is a gateway drug.


Ren in Drug prevention
October 21, 2018

Are Teens Less Likely to Misuse Drugs and Alcohol?

Any area or arena of drug and alcohol misuse is concerning and unpleasant, but few areas are as concerning or as unpleasant as teen drug use is.