Narconon Blog
Parental Involvement Tied to Drop in Teen Drug Use
A broad study analyzing several risk factors and overall health metrics for teens had an interesting finding. The researchers found that, for teens whose parents were more involved in their lives, those teens had better health outcomes and were less likely to engage in drug experimentation and alcohol use than teens whose parents were not active in their lives.
Talking to Loved Ones About Drugs Saves Lives
With numerous factors like the spread of fentanyl into the drug supply, soaring overdose deaths, increasing normalization of drug use, and greater access to drugs, it seems as though drug abuse is becoming more likely and more dangerous. In this landscape, prevention efforts are more important than ever. To ensure the addiction crisis is brought to an end, Americans must know how to talk to their loved ones about drugs.
Utilizing Comprehensive Drug Education to Prevent Youth Substance Abuse
How does the vicious cycle of drug abuse and alcohol misuse end? Every time a new generation comes of age, a certain percentage of those individuals experiment with drugs and alcohol. It seems inevitable, but it certainly does not have to be. If young people receive a good, open, supportive, communicative, and fact-based education with ongoing, revisited conversations with parents and teachers about drugs, they are far less likely to experiment with substances.
Talking to Young People About Marijuana
Recent studies suggest that teenagers who use marijuana are more likely to use other drugs later on in life. These findings make it all the more important for parents to have conversations with their kids about cannabis.
Dangerous and Addictive Substances Are Found in Most Homes
Parents sitting down to educate their children on the dangers of drug use may miss the fact that their own homes may abound with dangerous and even deadly abusable substances. The vast majority of parents want to protect their children from drug-related harm.