Narconon Blog


Ren in Prescription drugs
March 9, 2023

Prescription Drug Take Back Day Provides Opportunity to Make Homes Safer

One of the most common ways young people experiment with prescription drugs for the first time is by finding the drugs in the family medicine cabinet and consuming them. Parents might not think there’s any harm in keeping certain pharmaceuticals in the home, but in light of the American opioid epidemic – which was partly started by the abuse of prescription painkillers – parents must recognize the risk of keeping unused medication in the home. Parents should dispose of unused medications during the upcoming Prescription Drug Take Back Day event.


Karen in Prescription drugs
November 4, 2019

Remember Pill Mills? Think They’re Gone? Think Again

I walked into the new doctor’s office with the hopes that he might be able to help me overcome the debilitating effects of a recent heatstroke. This doctor had been recommended by a friend but I didn’t exactly know why.


Ren in Prescription drugs
May 17, 2019

We Just Celebrated National Prescription Drug Take Back Day—What’s Next?

April 27th was “Prescription Drug Take Back Day,” a day which is celebrated in both April and October. The event was initially created and sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration. And why do we need two days per year where we all get together and dispose of unused prescription drugs?


Ren in Prescription drugs
March 9, 2019

Make Informed Choices: The Value of Getting Informed on What You Are Putting into Your Body

In all of our advancements as a species, the human race still struggles with its shortcomings. We’re actively working on them, but they’re still there.


Ren in Prescription drugs
February 27, 2019

Curtailing Prescription Opioid Misuse Won’t Be Enough to Stop the Opioid Epidemic

When we as a nation face a significant problem or threat that we struggle to resolve, we tend to err in one of two ways. Either we become overwhelmed by the issue as a whole, feeling more or less incapable in addressing it, or we get too focused in on one or two facets of the problem, never able to solve all of its parts.


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
January 30, 2019

What Happens When Your Son or Daughter Has a Drug Problem? A Guide on What to Do and What Not to Do

The unique struggle that a parent of a drug user faces should not be wished on anyone. When a mother and father have a son or daughter who falls prey to drug addiction or an alcohol habit, this becomes a cruel and entrapping, even devastating, problem for them.


Karen in Prescription drugs
January 21, 2019

Medication for Marijuana Withdrawal: Is the Cure Worse Than the Condition?

Researchers may have found a medication that might alleviate the withdrawal symptoms resulting from marijuana addiction. Is this a useful medication? We break down the answer point by point.


Ren in Prescription drugs
November 5, 2018

The Most Dangerous Pharmaceuticals to Take

For the last twenty-plus years, the United States has been on the receiving end of what might be the worst drug addiction epidemic that this country has ever seen. Everywhere we turn, there is an addiction. Every year that passes, the problem gets worse.