Narconon Blog
Fentanyl Today: An Update on this Deadly and Ever-Changing Phenomenon
The changes of the last several years must be tracked and understood if we are to reverse the terrible losses imposed on our country by those who make and traffic in fentanyl.
Animal Tranquilizer Contributes to Fatal Overdoses in Philadelphia
Philadelphia has recently seen a surge in overdose fatalities that involve heroin or fentanyl mixed with an animal tranquilizer called xylazine. Is this drug crisis in Philadelphia a unique case? Or is it common practice to combine drugs to create dangerous drug “cocktails”?
What Will It Take to Overcome the Opioid Crisis? Our Combined “Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat”
Overcoming the opioid crisis will only be accomplished with the “blood, toil, tears and sweat“ (to quote Winston Churchill) of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people just like you. Learn how you can help.