Narconon Blog


Ren in Drug Prevention
July 27, 2023

‘Sense of Purpose’ a Critical Factor in Substance-Free Living

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania surveyed college students and found that the ‘sense of purpose’ factor was a critical predictor of whether college students drank alcohol excessively.


Ren in Information on U.S. States
April 1, 2019

Michigan’s Drug Problem and What a New Grant Could Do to Stem the Tide of Addiction

Throughout our history, the individual states of the United States of America have gone through their ups and downs. Sometimes these issues have mirrored what was going on in the country at large, and sometimes they were unique to the state.


Ren in Legislation
March 17, 2019

Is Criminalizing Drug Use During Pregnancy the Answer?

I was surfing through U.S. News the other day when I came across a news story that really caught my eye. U.S. News posted an article titled, “Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Pregnant Women Abusing Drugs is Not Child Abuse.”Having worked in addiction treatment most of my adult life, this story hit close to home for me.


Ren in Drug Use
August 27, 2018

Drug Abuse and Geography—Why Some Areas are Affected More Than Others Are

At this point, it is all but common knowledge that the United States is struggling with a very serious drug addiction epidemic. Since the late 1990s, this problem has been growing and expanding, creating big difficulties and significant crisis for millions upon millions of Americans.


Karen in Drug overdoses
August 18, 2018

2017’s Overdose Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Levels of Loss

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have provided preliminary numbers for deaths from drug overdose in 2017. Rather than showing improvement, they reveal that we have not yet capped our losses from overdose deaths.