Narconon Blog


Ren in Information on U.S. States
January 18, 2023

America’s Pregnant Women at Increasing Risk for Drug Overdoses

One could say that the most important mandate for the human species is to protect the future of the species. So when new research shows an alarming increase in fatal drug overdoses for pregnant and postpartum women, it serves as a warning sign that fast action is needed to improve societal conditions.


Ren in Health risks
July 8, 2020

New Mothers Increasingly Prescribed High-Strength Painkillers, Many with Harmful Effects

Mothers should seek out safe, effective, and sensible healthcare services before, during, and after their pregnancy. Sadly, more and more new mothers are being put on potentially addictive opioid painkillers postpartum. Why is this wrong? And what can moms do to treat postpartum pain without resorting to painkillers?


Ren in Dealing with Addiction
April 12, 2019

Treating More Than Opioid Dependence—Why Residential Treatment Is Critical to Recovery

Overcoming hardships is a part of the natural process of life. I don’t think anyone could say that life is “easy” for anyone. Challenges and obstacles are things we must all face from time to time. It’s just a part of life on planet Earth. Welcome to the show.


Ren in Legislation
March 17, 2019

Is Criminalizing Drug Use During Pregnancy the Answer?

I was surfing through U.S. News the other day when I came across a news story that really caught my eye. U.S. News posted an article titled, “Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Pregnant Women Abusing Drugs is Not Child Abuse.”Having worked in addiction treatment most of my adult life, this story hit close to home for me.


Karen in Effects on children
January 27, 2019

For Healthy Babies, Avoidance of ALL Possible Drug Use Is Paramount

Some pregnant women continue to use drugs or drink during pregnancy because they can’t stop themselves. Others don’t yet know they are pregnant or have never been educated on the risks. Learn what risks a pregnant woman using opioids, marijuana, alcohol or other drugs is really taking.


Ren in Opioids
July 7, 2018

More Babies are Being Born Addicted to Opiates

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of U.S. babies born addicted to opioids has increased by more than three-hundred percent in the last fifteen years.