Narconon Blog
Dentists Can Curb Opioid Addiction and Still Help Patients with Post-Operation Pain
New research into a significant change in New York dental practice has found that dentists can stop prescribing opioids and shift to only recommending over-the-counter pain relievers for patients, all with little to no negative effects. The findings may herald the beginning of a welcome shift away from opioid prescribing by dental practitioners.
Study Shows Acetaminophen as Effective As Opioids with Some Chronic Pain Sufferers
When I see a headline in the media about opioid painkillers, the first thing I think of is addiction. And rightly so, as most news stories tend to be about the addictive nature of opioid painkillers, about overdoses, drug crime connected to painkillers, or pharma companies getting busted for their addictive products.