Narconon Blog
Every State Now Has a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
Public health experts usually agree that preventive efforts should be used as a front-line defense against health problems. In the case of drug and alcohol addiction, Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs are useful preventive tools that states can use to reduce the diversion of pharmaceuticals into the hands of addicts.
Methamphetamine Is Now Assaulting the Same Regions Crippled by Opioids
For the last decade, we’ve been focused on fighting an epidemic of opioid use and overdose deaths. While we were occupied dealing with that problem, methamphetamine has made a comeback. This should be a lesson to never get too fixed on one specific drug problem.
Statewide Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs in All States, Except Missouri
In every state but Missouri, there’s a statewide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, a program intended to curb abuse of prescription drugs. Missouri counties and cities are setting up their own programs.