Narconon Blog


Karen in Medication-assisted treatment
December 26, 2019

Whatever Happened to Providing Abstinence Based Addiction Treatment?

At one time, the expectation of rehab success was abstinence. Now, it's more often the expectation that a person maintains compliance with a medication regimen. Have we given up on the concept of being fully drug-free after rehab?


Ren in Drug Rehab
March 10, 2019

Learning How to Get Clean the Right Way—What Not to Do

When it comes to addiction and treatment, we see information all the time that acts as reminders of what we should do. But what about some advice on what we shouldn’t do?


Ren in Drug Rehab
March 2, 2019

Ten Questions to Ask a Treatment Center

You are a parent, a spouse, or a son or daughter of an addict. You’re looking for help for your loved one. Or you are yourself struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism, and you need to find help. The first thing to know is that help is available. But maybe you already know that.


Karen in Opioid Crisis
January 4, 2019

Overdose Deaths Decline: Does This Mean We Are Successfully Fighting This Problem?

Starting in late 2017, the number of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. have finally begun to decline after decades of increases. But the reasons why might indicate that we are not actually getting to the root of this problem but only coping better with the symptoms.


Karen in Drug overdoses
April 23, 2018

Why this “Flat Graph” is Only Partly Good News

The CDC maintains a running tally of the number of lives lost to drug overdoses in the United States. The last few months, a chart of these numbers is nearly flat, showing a pause in the rampant increases of prior months. Why isn’t this totally fabulous news?