Narconon Blog


Ren in Drugs and Crime
January 5, 2020

Drug Addiction and Overcrowded Jails

The subject of drug addiction and incarceration has been a contentious one for some time. Many people still feel as though drug use is a crime and therefore should be punished as such. But as the years go by and as our understanding of addiction improves, more and more people are starting to see that drug use is indicative of a severe behavioral crisis…


Ren in Drug information
August 1, 2019

Treatment, Not Incarceration Is The Solution To Drug Addiction

The United States differs from other wealthy nations in that we prefer to incarcerate drug addicts rather than provide effective long term treatment for their addictions.. Take a cursory glance at the Federal Bureau of Prisons’statistics on rates of incarceration for different types of crime. Drug crimes skyrocket above all other crimes on the chart.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
July 30, 2019

New Data Suggests Mass Incarceration Contributed to the Opioid Crisis

The American incarceration system earns a fair amount of criticism amongst Americans and foreigners alike. And there’s some good reasons for that. For one thing, the U.S. incarcerates its citizens at a rate exceeding all other countries in the world.


Ren in Legislation
February 9, 2019

Criminal Prosecution For Drug Crimes Should Result in Drug Rehabilitation—Not Jail

There was a recent article in the Washington Post which caught my eye. The report was about county prosecutor candidates competing for votes in Virginia. The article discussed the layered nuances of criminality and drug use.


Ren in Opioid Crisis
February 8, 2019

The Need to Humanize Addiction

When we look at significant illnesses like cancer, diabetes, MS, heart conditions, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and so on, our hearts go out to those who struggle with such illnesses. We feel strongly for them and for the struggles they inevitably face.


Karen in Drug Rehab
September 20, 2017

Bergen County, New Jersey, Offers Innovative Rehab Program Inside their Jail

Of all the states, New Jersey is one of the hardest hit by the heroin epidemic. In Bergen County, officials show their determination to fight this problem by offering a long-term rehab program inside the county’s jail.