Narconon Blog
Why We Should Be Concerned About Increasing LSD Use
Hallucinogens are making a comeback, with LSD being one of the most frequently sought hallucinogens, especially among millennials. It’s essential to understand what LSD is, why it should be avoided, and what to do for someone who is using it.
Marijuana and Hallucinogen Use Reach All-Time High Among Young Adults
Monitoring substance abuse trends among young people provides a clear view of developing drug problems nationwide. Recent studies in this area suggest that certain types of drug use are now the highest they’ve ever been for young people, painting a dire picture of what the future may look like unless these trends are curbed.
Why You Should be Concerned About Hallucinogens
In recent years, a movement has grown in both the U.S. and Canada to recognize the alleged “benefits” of hallucinogenic drugs. The language surrounding this movement is dangerous because it serves to normalize drugs that have known harms and long-term risk factors.
How Do Drugs Affect Us?
One of the major issues with the current U.S. drug problem is the fact that so many people still don’t know all that much about drugs. Millions of Americans still don’t have the data on one of the most severe public health emergencies of our time.