Narconon Blog


Ren in Opioid Crisis
December 5, 2021

What is a Pill Mill, and How Do Such Operations Contribute to the Opioid Epidemic?

There were multiple organizations, groups, operations, and factors at play in the inception and promulgation of America’s opioid epidemic. Pain clinics played their role, much to the devastation of countless American families. That’s why it is so crucial that such organizations be held accountable.


Ren in Drug-Related News
May 1, 2020

Tallahassee Mayor Withdraws from Public Life to Seek Addiction Treatment

Admitting to a drug problem takes courage. If there's a national spotlight on you so, doing so takes even more courage. One mayor from Florida's state capital just came forth and admitted to his drinking problem, effectively inspiring others who secretly struggle with addiction to do the same.


Ren in Drug Addiction
April 20, 2019

Exploring the Difference between Overdoses and Overdose Deaths—What We Can Learn from These

A wise friend once introduced me to the concept that, “Correlation does not imply causation.” The principle is that, just because two incidents occurred side by side, or just because one event took place and was closely followed by another (correlation), that does not mean that the first event caused the second. Correlation does not imply causation.


Karen in Drug Prevention
July 19, 2017

Fentanyl Tragedy: 10-Year Old Miami Boy Dies

Fentanyl Tragedy: 10-Year Old Miami Boy Dies Every mother tries to protect her children from harm the best she can. But when death can come after exposure to a pin-head sized drop of a drug, the job becomes vastly more challenging.


Karen in Information on U.S. States
April 14, 2017

Florida Grabs Two Slots in a “Top 15” List – and Why that’s Really Bad News

It seems like it’d always be desirable for a city to show up in a list of the Top Ten or Twenty for some particular quality. Florida is no newcomer to these honors. But this time, Florida is not exactly honored by taking two places on a new “Top 15” list.