Narconon Blog
Help for Mothers Who Struggle with Addiction
Addiction does not discriminate. It doesn’t matter what a person’s background, race, or religion is. In today’s society, where drugs and alcohol are so prevalent, anyone can fall into addiction.
Is Criminalizing Drug Use During Pregnancy the Answer?
I was surfing through U.S. News the other day when I came across a news story that really caught my eye. U.S. News posted an article titled, “Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Pregnant Women Abusing Drugs is Not Child Abuse.”Having worked in addiction treatment most of my adult life, this story hit close to home for me.
New Study Reveals Staggering Costs of Alcohol’s Effects During Pregnancy
Alcohol use during pregnancy damages millions of children and costs hundreds of billions of dollars but this harm is almost completely overlooked by the media and health organizations.
Why Substance Abuse and Pregnancy Often Go Hand-in-Hand
Though it is a grim and miserable topic to discuss, it’s time we had a serious conversation about substance abuse and pregnancy.